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Avoidable Social Media Mistakes to Steer Clear of in Your Company Page Setup

As social media continues to be increasingly crucial to business success, you need to make sure your business is online and visible to potential new clients and customers. Because we use social media in our personal lives, many business owners believe that setting up your pages on platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn will be easy, and anyone will be able to manage. This is a huge misconception. Your social media journey can be fraught with pitfalls if your social media pages are not set up correctly from the outset. Learn about these social media mistakes to avoid before they happen to you.

In this blog post, we’ll explore two cautionary tales and provide key takeaways to ensure your business pages on platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn are safeguarded.

Social Media Mistake 1: Facebook Fiasco

Client 1 faced a challenge when a well-intentioned individual created a personal Facebook profile using the business’s name. A legitimate business page was then established under this account without adding additional admins. As a result, when we began working with this client and tried to access the business account, a false name on the personal anchor account led to a security check request for photo ID. We weren’t able to provide this, as the fake profile did not have the business owner’s name on it.

Lesson learned:
Use your personal Facebook page to create your business page. You will become the owner of the account and can add additional team members as administrators on the account. Facebook has been talking about updating its process in the future to create a unique login for businesses, but for now, avoid potential complications by following the established procedure.

Social Media Mistake 2: LinkedIn Lament

Client 2 experienced a significant setback when their business page on LinkedIn was mistakenly set up as a personal page. Without warning, LinkedIn deleted the entire page, resulting in the loss of followers and valuable content. Overnight, everything created and shared over years was gone forever and it couldn’t be retrieved.

Lesson learned:
LinkedIn requires company pages to be created as such. Ensure proper setup by creating a company page through your personal profile. This is a similar process to Facebook. Add your team members as admins, avoiding the risk of sudden deletions. As team members may come and go, it is important to have several people listed as admins on the account to ensure a smooth transition.

Instagram, X & TikTok

Unlike these two platforms, Instagram, X (formerly known as Twitter) and TikTok have a separate login process for business pages. They are kept separate from your personal accounts and any team member may access the page if they know the username and password. We recommend keeping these login credentials safe and easy to find by creating a master password log on your protected computer server.

Remember, a well-structured online presence is the foundation of successful digital marketing. Don’t let setup mishaps undermine your business’s potential for growth and engagement. It’s important to keep this in mind when creating your accounts because some setup issues are irreparable.

Your business’s online presence is too valuable to risk on social media mistakes. Hiring knowledgeable professionals during the setup phase can prevent future headaches. Charlotte Lane Media is here to help you navigate these challenges and set up your social media profiles correctly from the start. Schedule your free consultation today by calling 516.421.1117 or emailing [email protected].